Kevin & Mollie's One Wish Good Wishes

"It is our hope to raise additional funds to continue our journey of adoption. "

Give a Good Wish!

Kevin & Mollie's One Wish Profile Picture

Fundraising Goal

Our Goal: $6000

Current Amount: $3371

Personal Info

Home State: MO

Adoption Country: USA

Adoption Agency: A New Agency to be Announced Soon!

Our Story

Kevin and Mollie have been married for almost 4 years. Seven months into our marriage we learned that Mollie had cervical cancer and would require a full hysterectomy. It was then that we realized the only way to add to our family would be through adoption.

Mollie elected to become a part-time teacher this year to stay at home with our son. Unfortunately the adoption of our son failed. Normally this would not put a significant financial strain on us, but with only half of Mollie's income, 3 failed adoptions and with us losing close to $22,000 it has come to a point that we need to look at alternative means. Whether this means grants, loans, or support from our family, we are determined to not let our dream fade. Adoption is by no means a minimal financial investment. It is our hope that we can raise some additional funds to help with the stability of our current and future family.

We thank you for your interest and pray that you can look into your heart to assist us.

A Good Wish from

Connie & Bruce Schwada

"We love you guys! Sending our prayers and love. Connie & Bruce"
- Given March 04, 2011
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